Package Your Genius Personal Branding Podcast
Personal Branding Podcast for high achievers. Package Your Genius delves into personal branding, business, personal development, and career topics like overcoming imposter syndrome, pitching your brand to the media and speaking up at work to take credit for your accomplishments.

The Rest Revolution - Voices From the Front Lines
This is a special series of the podcast focused on my new book, The Rest Revolution: How to Reclaim Your Rhythm and Conquer Burnout When Overworking Has Become the Norm, which comes out on November 13th.
I’m thrilled to share this book with you because I believe it’s my most important work yet. In The Rest Revolution, I explore how we’ve been conditioned to treat ourselves like machines and how this mindset leads to burnout, exhaustion, and a disconnection from our true selves.
The Rest Revolution isn’t just about rest; it’s about the great realignment that is happening in this country. People are slowly waking up to the idea that good lives require more than work and achievement. Good lives require you getting in alignment with the purposeful work, key relationships, and energizing activities that are most important to you.
I interview high achieving professionals, psychologists, sociologists, and medical experts on how we can you can reclaim your humanity, find more balance, and choose to live and work in a way that truly aligns with your purpose. It’s about breaking free from the toxic cycle of overwork and finding a new, sustainable way forward. If you’ve ever felt like you’re running on fumes or just going through the motions, this book is for you.
If you love this podcast, I know you’ll love the book. The Rest Revolution will be available on November 12th from all major booksellers, and you can visit to preorder your copy now. I can’t wait for you to read it.

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
PYG 100: What are you willing to create?
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Drumroll please...
I've just reached a major milestone. I've recorded my 100th podcast! I'm so excited!
This podcast has evolved over the 2.5 years I've been doing it, and there have been some bumps and bruises along the way. But for the most part, I'm very happy with the journey and where I am now as a podcaster.
Thank you for being here!
On this special episode, I come to you live from the streets (literally) of Rome, Italy. I set up a podcast studio on the sidewalk, ordered cappuccinos and hit record.
I was joined by my frequent collaborator Dr. Reisha Moxley, who you may know from earlier episodes (in the 30s) when we recorded a few conversations on high achievement and psychology.
Reisha joined me again today for this retrospective - we discussed the past, present and future of my podcasting journey. She played Oprah and interviewed me about the experience of podcasting to this point.
We discussed why you should create a podcast or write a book if people keep asking you the same questions, or you get the same requests for advice from different sources.
We talked about how capsule projects can help you establish your brand and allow you to offer a "level one" body of knowledge to people who are new to your ideas.
We dove into the difference of being an activator vs a maintainer, and which type we each identify with personally.
Finally, we discussed how your path to purpose may be waiting for you to create something of your own.
Thank you for being a part of Package Your Genius!
Eternally grateful,

Friday Jun 21, 2019
PYG 99: Muscle Memory
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Muscle memory is defined as "the ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement."
From Wikipedia: "When a movement is repeated over time, a long-term muscle memory is created for that task, eventually allowing it to be performed without conscious effort. This process decreases the need for attention and creates maximum efficiency within the motor and memory systems. Examples of muscle memory are found in many everyday activities that become automatic and improve with practice, such as riding a bicycle, typing on a keyboard, entering a PIN, playing a musical instrument,[1] poker,[2] martial arts or even dancing."
But beyond riding a bicycle (you never forget, right) or playing a musical instrument, there is a degree of muscle memory involved in doing the activities required to build your personal brand in a public way.
I was reminded of a time I spoke on a stage during a period of intense personal grief, in the wake of my father's death. Although I can't recall anything I said that day, whatever I said was enough to catch the attention of new clients, and win the respect of corporate sponsors.
If you're nervous about putting yourself out there, may I remind you, you've already done the work.
Lean on your muscle memory - your hard-won expertise - and don't put pressure on yourself to know everything and be brilliant in the moment. You can access the lessons you've learned along the way whenever you need them. They're there for you.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
PYG 98: Break through the old story
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
An old story - everybody has one.
Typically old stories are framed by absolutes - "I never..." or "I always..." or "I'm not someone who..."
But we have the power to change our actions, and in doing so change our stories.
I want to change the story about myself that I'm not adventurous; I don't travel. I'm broadcasting this episode from Italy where I am in the midst of an adventure - an impromptu trip sparked by a friend who was traveling here for a conference.
By booking the flight (and showing up for it) I changed my mind about myself. I am a woman who travels and has adventures - I'm not just work, work, work.
But you can change any behavior, and the associated identity that goes with it. So what do you want to change?
Pick one negative thing you say about yourself - i.e. "I'm not a person who works out..." and then book something - a training session or pilates class - that refutes that idea. )I've found that if I spend money, I'm less likely to flake out).
I'm going to spend some time on this trip making a list of traits I wish I embodied. Then I'm going to sign up for one thing in each category so I can be on the road to being who I really want to be.
Feel free to hold me to it.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
PYG 97: Making yourself at home on your new level
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
If you're a high achiever who's anything like the people I work with most often, you're always thinking about the next step, and pondering how you'll get to your next level.
You may be making gains in your career, or putting in the work to build your credibility and your personal brand in the process.
But what happens when all your hard work takes you exactly where you wanted it to, but you don't feel quite ready yet on the new level you've rightly earned?
Do you shrink or decide you can't cut it here? Or do you challenge yourself, stretch your legs out, and set out to get more comfortable?
If you've recently found yourself with a new level of client, speaking on a bigger stage, or recently promoted, things may not immediately click at first.
But give yourself some time, give yourself grace.
You're only on this new level because of all the work you put in before.
Lean on the steps you took to get to this point, and be confident in my personal mantra that "You've already done the work..."
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us in July.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
PYG 96: Feedback is a gift
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
It's not always easy to hear other people's opinions about how you can improve - let's face it, we all have egos.
But in my journey, rarely has my next level of success been on the other side of praise and flowery feedback. It typically only surfaces after I've heard something that I didn't want to hear.
I talk to professionals of all stripes who find themselves in one of two positions: on the one hand they may be the recipients of feedback that doesn't feel good. The delivery may have been rough. They get defensive or feel hurt.
Or on the other hand they're getting zero feedback - but clearly need it, because their career is at a standstill.
Who would you rather be?
While it's not always great to hear the ways we can improve, if we have people in our lives who are willing to level with us, that's a true gift.
It's not always easy to welcome it with open arms, but if it can help you fill in your gaps and level up, consider feedback a gift.
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us for our next cycle.

Monday Jun 17, 2019
PYG 95: Turn off the work
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Work hard, play hard.
Nice mantra, but I rarely live it.
In fact, I find it hard to to play hard - but working hard comes easy.
Maybe you can relate? As a high achiever especially, you may be able to get into your work groove easily, but relaxing your self to play? Not always so easy.
I'm working on being more intentional when it comes to playing hard. What's all the work for after all if I'm not able to enjoy the fruits of my labor?
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us.

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
PYG 94: They may not say it, but they see you
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
So much work we do goes unnoticed and uncelebrated. It's easy to keep our heads down doing what needs to be done.
Sometimes it can feel demoralizing when others don't seem to take notice of all you do at work or at home.
I recently realized how much of my hard work is getting noticed - even when I don't feel think it is. It made me think of how much of what we do is likely more noticed than we realize...
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us in July.

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
PYG 93: Strike while the iron is hot
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
While it's nice to think it's never too late to follow your dream, in reality, some dreams have a shelf life.
Whether they depend on you being youthful, a relevant technology, or your own level of personal freedom, there are periods in all of our lives when it's easier to do certain things than others.
That's why you should strike while the iron is hot. Don't wait to feel ready, don't wait to leap; if you wait too long, you may miss your moment.
As a good friend and PR expert shared with me when discussing one of my brand ideas, "the window for this opportunity will close if you want to make a mark on this issue, do it soon..."
I share the same idea with you. None of us are getting any younger. Technology changes at rapid speed. The pace of business is dizzying.
If you have an idea that is marketable now, launch it.
If you have always dreamed of living abroad and a job opportunity opens up overseas, take it.
If you have a book idea and the topic is hot right now, write it.
Strike while the iron is hot. Nothing stays hot forever.
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us in July.

Friday Jun 14, 2019
PYG 92: How building a brand library can help people find you and your ideas
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
I'm a collector - and have always been. You could call me a digital packrat, and I couldn't argue with you.
By that I mean, I don't let content go to waste - as much as possible, I create shareable nuggets from whatever I have to say.
No one does this better than Gary V - his entire life is content, and he approaches it as such.
But for you or me, how can we start building a brand library, and how can it help us?
For me, making sure to create content that creates a hyperlink has been key to growing my searchability over the years. If you google my name, there's a lot to find, and that's by design.
I may not have one million followers, but I have million dollar SEO.
Being searchable online helps clients find me, and has helped corporations begin the process to bring me into speak.
But it's because I don't "throw away" my best ideas on Instagram stories or Snapchat. I create a record and a library by putting them here, on the podcast or on the blog. Whenever I can, I'm looking for ways to create a hyperlink so my best ideas are instantly sharable.
What about you?
Are you giving your best content away on platforms that don't serve your searchability?
Brand food for thought.
If you're looking for more media exposure for your personal brand, check out Maximum Exposure my PR mastermind for established personal brands, and apply to join us in July.
My childhood friend Koya has a new book and it's now available wherever books are sold. Let Your Fears Make You Fierce by Koya Webb

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
PYG 91: Staying present to witness what's unfolding
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
While attending a women's leadership conference in California, I heard one of the presenters drop a nugget that I don't think I'll soon forget.
When addressing a room full of junior leaders, many of whom were concerned about "work-life balance" (or more fashionably, "work-life integration") she mentioned that she didn't think she or any of her fellow panelists believed they 'had it all'.
"I don't think any of us up here believes that we have it all," she said before pausing. "But then again, maybe we do..."
Have you ever considered that you already 'have it all' in this very moment - or at least all that you dreamed of one year ago, or ten years ago? Are you present to the absolute miracles that are unfolding in your personal life, at work, in your business, in your relationships?
We tend to tune out the everyday evolutions, the incremental signs of growth -while making sure not to miss that important email, or phone call or text. And in doing so, we're blind to the many miracles we're ironically setting ourselves up to miss,
I pondered this leading up to a trip to California and shared my musings from the beach.
I was recently quoted as a personal branding expert in the Washington Post article - How defining and honing a personal brand can help you stand out. Thank you to Beth Luberecki and the Washington Post for the opportunity to share.